Gasoline/Petrol is Leaking from the Small Engine Carburetor

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We are sorry to hear the carb is leaking. This happens when the Carb Float Needle gets stuck and is easy to rectify. Leaks can also occur if the Carb Bowl is not seated correctly, or if the Carb Bowl seal has perished.

If you watch this video it will show you how to free up the Float Needle. It is the same procedure on all Carbs:

If it still leaks, then you need to clean the carb and check the Float and Float Needle tip for wear and replace if necessary. Sometimes there is plastic on the end of the Float Needle which has disintegrated and allows too much fuel through.

The fuel system is gravity fed, so if you do not fix the problem, you have the possibility that it will empty your whole fuel tank out on the floor.

Some Generators have “Carb Repair Kits” or “Float Needles” sold separately from the Carbs, which is a less expensive option than replacing the full Carb. 

(FYI… The Float Needle is included in all the Carb Repair Kits we sell).

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